About Us

Welcome to Pupspace, a pup play online community for human pups, handlers and anyone who loves getting into the pup headspace.

This is a community for all who love puppy play. Pupspace is an inclusive and nurturing community for all our members, no matter what you identify as, where you live or if you’re taken or not. It's a community for folks of every gender, background and orientation. If you're polyamorous or monagamous, if you're a pup or a kitten or a pony or any other pet, if you're a handler, a trainer or a sir, if you're an alpha, beta, omega or other, if you're dipping your toe in the water, you're a new pup or you've been around for years, if you love puppy play, if you enjoy the pup headspace, if you feel like you belong on Pupspace, then welcome. Welcome home.

The Community

Pupspace is part social network, part puppy dating site. We've blended the best of both worlds—allowing members to connect with their friends and the community at large and also seek out the people they like for dates, romance, fun or friendships. Pupspace was designed to serve the needs of the pup play community, of all genders, orientations and backgrounds. Our primary mission is to help pups and handlers to connect, meet pups near them, find pup dates, build the pup play community and form long-lasting relationships.

Pupspace was created by Grokio Communities LLC and is run by a dedicated admin team composed of pup community members.

The Name

We chose the name Pupspace as a nod to the idea of the pup headspace. For those who aren't familiar, the pup headspace is a sort of mentality or way of viewing the world—it can mean living in the moment, acting on instinct, being playful, or loving unconditionally. Some pups enter the pup headspace for periods of time (often as a way to unwind or play), while some live in it 24/7. We felt that the headspace is such a unique and special thing, it deserved to be part of our name.

Premium Costs

In order to be self-sustaining, Pupspace offers a paid premium option known as Pupspace Pro. By paying a small monthly fee, premium members have access to special features, unlimited photo viewing and uploading and unlimited message sending. But it's also important to the Pupspace team that non-paying members can actively engage in the community as well. That's why regular members still have access to basic features (including updating their profiles, posting newsfeed and photo comments, private messaging and more) and are able to view a limited number of full-size photos each day.

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